Climate declaration of buildings, BM
The construction sector's environmental calculation tool (BM) is an industry-wide tool for buildings. It is based on life cycle analysis methodology and enables a non-expert to produce a climate declaration for a building.
The right choice of materials and the right construction affect the climate performance of buildings throughout the life cycle. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institutes proprietary tool BM gives you support to environmentally certify or climate declare your construction projects in accordance with legal requirements. You can also use it to make demands on your suppliers to reduce both their own and your company's climate impact.
The calculation tool and database are provided free of charge. Support, training and other services can be purchased separately.
Hire IVL for:
- Practical tool issues and installation
- Support
- Complete environmental calculations
- Training
- Workshops at your workplace
- Reports and documents
- Climate calculations in requirements
- Instructions for LCA calculation of construction projects