Annual report 2020: District heating companies want to explore demand side flexibility
Per Örvind, technical investigation engineer at Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö AB, is the important link between the Flexi-Sync project and the daily operations of the Swedish district heating company located in the East of Sweden.
Per explains that his company is keen to explore how flexibility can work and how future business models in the heating sector could look like, but also to learn about the total economic potential for the entire district energy system in using flexibility. In the Swedish energy sector, there are a lot of discussions on the possibilities to use different kinds of demand side flexibility, he explains. So far, mainly the large players on the district energy market in Sweden have experimented with demand side flexibility but with Flexi-Sync smaller actors are also given the resources to participate in the development of the future district energy landscape. One of these actors are Eskilstuna Energi & Miljö AB that is hosting one of the demo sites in the project.
You can read more about the Eskilstuna demo site in the Flexi-Sync annual report for 2020. The report also offers insights in the Maria Laach demo site in Lower Austria as well as the ongoing work with characterizing and assessing flexibility and implementing it at the Flexi-Sync demo sites.