Sign up for Webinar #7: Cost-optimal flexibility and flexibility price models
What is the cost-optimal flexibility potential and its utilization in district heating systems? How can different price models incentivize demand-side flexibility? These are two questions that will be adressed in this webinar.
In the first part of the webinar, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute will present energy system optimization modelling results for on of the Flexi-Sync demo sites. Optimization modelling can be used to explore energy systems development scenarios and in this case, the benefits of having and using flexibility options, such as thermal energy storage, in district heating will be shown and reflected upon. The results will shed light on the most cost-efficient supply of heating to the building stock of Eskilstuna, Sweden, including flexibility options. Elaborations on the interplay between the heating sector and the electric power sector will also be provided.
In the second part RISE will present an analysis of how different price models incentivize demand-side flexibility from load-shifting between heat pumps and district heating. Buildings equipped with both district heating and heat pumps are often manually operated, leading to the baseload of the building being covered by the heat pump. By controlling and optimizing the operation of the heat pump, both economic and environmental savings could be achieved for end users and district heating companies. By exploring and analyzing different price models, the ones that incentivize this kind of flexibility and fairly distributes the savings between the energy company and customer, could be identified.